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Angelina Love defated Madison Rayne. After the match, Velvet Sky comes down with the brown paper bag. They give Rayne the brown paper bag treatment. They look prepared to continue the humiliation, but Tara and Christy Hemme run down to make the save.
Various knockouts are playing with Tara’s Tarantula in the back.
Lauren is standing by with Taylor Wilde, Tara, Christy Hemme, and Sarita. She announces that they’ll all be competing next week in the first round of the tournament to crown the first ever Knockouts’ Tag Team Championship. Christy and Tara act like they’re ready for a slumber party. Christy says that WWE would never do something like this. Sarita and Taylor Wilde are also apparently BFFs now. Everyone is happy and laughing.
Tara came to the ring with Christy Hemme in her match vs Traci Brooks (with Sharmell) vs Awesome Kong (with Raisha Saeed) vs Sarita (with Taylor Wilde). Traci Brooks wins the match.
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Lauren interviewed Tara backstage. She asked her about how she’s taken TNA by storm. She said since losing her title, it seems she might have been derailed by The Beautiful People. Tara said her goal is to beat the best and Awesome Kong is among the toughest wrestlers in history. She asked Lauren if Kong is afraid of Poison the Tarantula.
ODB (w/Cody Deaner) vs. Velvet Sky (w/Angelina Love, Madison Rayne) vs. Tara vs. Awesome Kong (w/Raisha Saeed)
ODB takes control of Angelina Love as Kong chokes Tara in the corner. ODB hits a Fall-Away Slam and goes to help deal with Kong, but both she and Tara eat a Double Clothesline. They low-bridge Kong out of the ring, then take turns with ODB’s flask. Tara takes her shirt off. ODB vaults out of the ring onto Kong and Raisha Saeed, and Tara vaults out at all three Beautiful People. Tara’s head clearly whacks the concrete.
Kong squishes Tara against the corner as we get back. Tara rolls out of the ring and pulls Kong after her. Love and ODB enter the ring. Love hits her with a Bicycle Kick, which is now called the “Botox Injection”. ODB gets up swinging, and nails a Running Power Slam that Kong has to break up at two. Kong tosses Love from the ring. ODB looks for a Body Slam on Kong, but it’s not happening. Kong comes back with a Body Slam of her own and a Leg Drop for two. The crowd comes alive for ODB. ODB keeps warding Kong off, but Kong eventually gets her with a Choke Slam. Cody Deaner gets up on the apron. Kong tries to stare him down, but he’s not having it. The crowd suggests that Kong is going to kill him. Instead, he kisses her. She is not a happy Kong. She drags Deaner into the ring, slams him against the mat, then kills him with an Awesome Bomb. While she’s distracted, Tara slips up behind her with a School Girl for the three count.
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We are back with a look back at Tara’s problems with Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, and Madison Rayne.
Don West is with Tara in the ring for an interview and Don asks Tara about her time in WWE. She says that it was a dream but all good things come to an end. Tara says that she was not sure if she would be happy. She wanted to leave with a passion for the business so she could tell her kids. Don asks Tara about her decision to come to TNA. She says that it has been a tremendous experience so far. She watched Awesome Kong and she wants to wrestle her. Don asks Tara about Angelina, Velvet, and Madison. Don mentions the ‘controversy’ at Victory Road. Tara mentions the sexual favors Madison gave Slick Johnson and Don stops her because it is a family show. Tara says that she is in the best shape of her life and she came to TNA to prove that she still has ‘it’. She says that she does not start anything that she finishes. Don mentions Poison and Tara says that she needs to introduce Poison to Don.
Awesome Kong, Tara, and ODB with Cody Deaner and Raisha Saeed versus Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, and Madison Rayne
Angelina and Tara start things off and they lock up with Tara slapping Angelina but Angelina with punches of her own. Tara with a shoulder tackle. Tara with punches to Velvet and Madison. Angelina attacks Tara from behind and chops her. Tara with a power slam but Madison and Velvet break it up. All six women are in the ring for a moment until it gets back under control. Tara with kicks to Angelina followed by a forearm. Tara with a slam to Angelina and Madison is tagged in and Tara with a drop toe hold. ODB tags in and she runs Madison into the corner and hits shoulders. ODB with a running boob splash followed by a fallaway slam. ODB kips up as we go to commercial.
We are back and Tara tags in Kong and Kong has a look for Tara. Kong with a chop to Madison and then Kong tagged Tara back in. We see Sabin and Shelley in the crowd with signs reminding TNA that they are still employed by the company.
Kong and Tara battle in the ring and Kong knocks Tara out of the ring and then Kong sends her tag team partner into the ring post. Kong with a chop to Tara.
Back in the ring, ODB is slamming her opponents. All three attack ODB before the referee evens the odds. Velvet with elbow drops to ODB and then Angelina is tagged in. Angelina with a drop kick to ODB after a snap mare by Velvet. Angelina punches ODB and then chokes ODB in the ropes. Velvet attacks ODB while Angelina distracts the referee. Angelina with a forearm and knee. Angelina follows that with a neck breaker and then she taunts Cody and Cody gets on the apron, but the hat is on ‘the normal way’. Oh no, the hat is turned around and Angelina calls Cody a loser. That loser grabs Angelina and kisses her. ODB with a rollup for the three count.
Winners: ODB, Tara, and Awesome Kong
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Lauren is in the back with Tara. She says she’s here to be number one in TNA and is out to prove she’s the best. She has a few words for Slick Johnson and wraps up the promo with a closeup of her spider.
Traci Brooks won the TNA Knockouts Battle Royal. Daffney was the first lady out. Madison Rayne was second and Slick Johnson checked on her on the outside. Sojo Bolt takes third. Then it was (in order): Velvet Sky, Taylor Wilde, Alissa Flash, Angelina Love, ODB, Sarita, Awesome Kong, and Tara. Traci “Knockout Law” Brooks wins the the match, $50,000 and becomes a member of the Main Event Mafia.
Kong and Tara continued to brawl outside until Tara turned her sites on Slick Johnson. She nut shotted him and left him laying.
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Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, and Madison Rayne come out to the ring and Angelina has a mic and a beekeeper suit. Velvet has Spider spray and Madison has a broom.
Angelina says that she has filed a formal complaint with PETER, whoever that is against a certain new TNA knockout who was trying to endanger her with a big freaking spider. Angelina tells Tara that she is a big ugly freak show and there is no place for her in TNA. Angelina says that the match last week did not happen and it was a fluke. It was not an official match so Angelina says that she is still the champion. There was no contract signed and it was never official. Angelina says that she will make it official on Sunday.
Tara’s music plays and she comes out with her title match. Tara says that the belt around her waist says that she is the TNA Women’s Champion. Tara says that she will have to confirm it on Sunday night. Tara says that Angelina doesn’t have to worry about Poison because Poison likes dark and warm places. Tara put Poison in Angelina’s beekeeper suit. Angelina freaks out at the thought that the spider in in the suit.
Tara with a kick and then she hits the Widow’s Peak.
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Tara came to the ring with her tarantula. Tara went right after Sky, but Sky did some choking on the mat. She pulled her hair and again and sent her face-first to the mat for two. Love was going to hit Tara with the belt, but the ref caught her before she could. Tara came back with right hands. Bodyslam by Tara, who then stalked Sky. Widow’s Peak ended it.
Tara got the spider as Love and Madison Rayne freaked out at ringside. She was about to put the spider on Sky when Love grabbed the mic. Crowd chanted “do it, do it.” Love tried to distract Tara by challenging her to a match right then. Tara said it would be no problem as long as the Knockouts Title was on the line. She said she would, preventing Tara from putting the spider on Sky. The match is next.
Love was rolled up right after the bell, then Tara got a backslide and small package for a triumvirate of near-falls. That caused Love to go to ringside and try and stop herself from having a panic attack. Rayne pulled Tara off the apron, right in the sight of now unemployed referee Rudy Charles, causing him to throw her out. Love was attacking Tara on the outside as he was doing so. Love threw Tara into the safety rail and West hilariously complained about the guy helping Tara free her foot from being stuck in the guardrail, saying fans shouldn’t be touching the TNA Superstars. Love made a few pins on Tara in the ring, to no avail. Boot to the face of the challenger for a two-count. Whip into the buckle by the champion, but she missed a charge. Tara came back with right hands (closed fists, according to West). Tilt-a-whirl back-breaker by Tara for two. Widow’s Peak hit and we’ve got a new Knockouts Champion.
They focused on Tara celebrating with the title as the announcers discussed it. Give’em credit for staying on the scene longer than usual.
-Lauren met Tara backstage after coming down the stairs from the entrance tunnel. She said anything can happen in TNA and said that she was once at a point in her career when she didn’t think she could have happiness, but she’s more than happy to be in TNA. She also thanked her spider, Poison.
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Tara & Awesome Kong vs Angelina Love & Velvet Sky
Madison Rayne had a giant poster of Victory Road with the Beautiful People on it with her as she accompanied her team to the ring. Apparently, Tara is short for “Tarantula,” and she brought one in a box to the ring with her. West talked about texting back-and-forth with Velvet at four or five in the morning about Tara. That was pretty funny. Tara worked over Velvet with a few arm-drags. Tara had Velvet by the arm and Awesome Kong made the tag, not allowing Sky to get away. Finally, after sending her into her corner, Love tagged in. Shots to the throat and head by Kong, then she tossed Love into the corner. Tara came back in and Madison got on the apron to distract the ref while Velvet interfered. That rarely causes a DQ anyway, so was the distraction even necessary? Sky and Love double-teamed Tara in the ring, then Velvet dropped an elbow that got two. Hair toss into the heel corner by Velvet, and Love came back in, but they did a double face-drop. Kong made the tag and Velvet’s offense had no effect. She took out Love too. Awesome Bomb coming up, but Love got involved, as did Tara. Love got sent into the post on the outside while Kong hit the Implant Buster for the win.
WINNERS: Kong & Tara
After the match, Tara brought the tarantula out of the box and even Kong seemed creeped out by it. Love and Rayne were already on the ramp and Tara put it on Sky’s stomach as she lay in the ring.
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Preview: TNA Slammiversary on PPV
June 21, 2009
This Sunday, June 21, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling presents “Slammiversary 7” live and exclusively on Pay-Per-View from Detroit, Michigan.
The Pay-Per-View will be available on InDemand, DirecTV, Dish Network, TVN, Viewer’s Choice and more. Check your programming guide for availability!
Champion Angelina Love vs. Tara
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After the match Velvet and Madison attack Kong and then Kong gets sent into the chair with a drop toe hold. Tara comes to the ring and she fights off Love, Sky, and Rayne until Love hits Tara from behind. Love gets out of the ring before Tara can do anything to her.
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Tara has decent music. She and Rayne trade some standing submissions, but Tara cartwheels out and grounds Rayne. She keeps working a wrist lock, so Rayne goes to the ropes where her peeps can pull her out. Tara knocks back Sky and Love, rolls Rayne back in, and hits a cool Slingshot Leg Drop for two. Is that new? Tara gets distracted by Love for a moment, which lets Rayne take control with a knee to the gut. She hits a few more knees to Tara’s head, then hits a Neck Breaker for two. She hits some mounted punches, continually going for covers. Rayne goes for a dropkick off the top rope, but Tara rolls out of the way. She catches Rayne with a right hand as she gets up. She hits a few more, than gets a Snap Suplex and rolls into the cover for two. She follows up with a Body Slam and a Standing Moonsault (no shimmy-shake) for two more. Annoyed, Tara hits the Widow’s Peak for the kill.
Love gloats about her title on the way out.
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The Beautiful People were beating down Tara backstage (the former Victoria). She made the comeback, but Angelina Love ran off before she could get her hands on her. Tara takes on Love for the Knockouts Title at Slammiversary.
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Love got on the mic and told security to take Kip away. After he left, she wondered how long she had to beat up the same Knockouts over and over again. She asked if there was anyone else that wanted to take her on. Victoria made her TNA debut and fought off The Beautiful People one-by-one, including giving her spinning side-slam move to Velvet Sky. Love missed with a belt shot and the two traded punches back and forth, then Victoria gave her the Widow’s Peak. She got the mic and told Love to consider her challenge accepted. Nice debut for Victoria.
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Victoria’s new make-over inspired WWE.com to make over her profile slightly! She’s got a new bio photo (I can’t wait for this photoshoot to be released) and a new bio right along with it, which you can read below.
Armed with one of the most devastating finishing maneuvers in all of professional wrestling, the Widow’s Peak, Victoria is one of the most vicious Divas in WWE history. Don’t let her impeccable good looks fool you. She may be one of the hottest Divas around, but the vicious vixen’s beauty is only matched by a mean streak that has helped drive her to two Women’s Championships.
Victoria has also been a pioneer in the Women’s Division. At WrestleMania XX she defeated Molly Holly in the first-ever Women’s Division Hair vs. Championship Match. After defeating Holly to retain her gold, Victoria humiliated Molly in front of a sold-out crowd at Madison Square Garden by shaving her head.
Outside of the ring, Victoria has been involved in various programs,speaking on behalf of WWE’s Smackdown! Your Vote program, encouraging the youth of America to exercise their right to vote. While Victoria has always stressed the importance of children to be physically active, she believes it is also imperative to get a good education. Victoria studied biology at several colleges: Riverside Community, Loma Linda University and UCLA. She worked at the Inland Eye and Tissue Bank in Redlands, Calif., for three years.
Victoria has also shown over the years that she feels that success should only come from hard work. She’s a strong believer that nothing should be handed to you in life.
“I want little girls to look at me as, yeah, I’m a T-and-A, but I can freakin’ kick your a**, too. And I have some smarts behind me,” she once said. “So I’m a well-rounded individual. I want little girls to look up to me and say, You know what? I could do that,’ and believe in themselves.”
Credit: WWE.com
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