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We go back to the ring where Madison Rayne is in the ring, and formally protesting the outcome of the Knockouts Title match at Victory Road. The rules said that if Velvet or Lacey interfered, then she could lose the title on a DQ, but since neither of them were involved, she is demanding that within seven days, either the decision is reversed and she has the title returned to her, or she will sue TNA for every penny it’s worth. Velvet Sky and Lacey Von Erich come out, and Velvet is pissed. Velvet asks Madison what makes her think she can bring in someone new, not only without their approval, but without even asking them first. Madison tells Velvet to relax and that she’s obviously been taking her dumb blond pills again. Madison did what she had to do and took matters into her own hands. Velvet says it’s not just about Madison making a decision without either of them, it’s about Madison saying that she didn’t need them anymore, and asks Madison to explain herself. Madison says fine, she doesn’t need them. Velvet says how about she kicks Madison’s ass all over the ring right now. Lacey gets between them to break them up, and now Angelina Love comes out and asks Velvet if she honestly thinks Angelina believes anything she’s saying, because she recognized her big fake boobs in the motorcycle outfit. Velvet says if she thinks that was Velvet on the motorcycle, she was mistaken, because she obviously didn’t see the dumpy ass on that person, because clearly, it wasn’t her. Velvet says that if she doesn’t believe that, then believe this: that bitch (indicating Madison) is all hers, and tells her to have at it. Velvet walks out, and Madison stands in the ring yelling at Angelina to come down and give Madison her belt back. Angelina enters the ring and asks if she wants her belt back, then tells her to come get it. Madison nails Angelina with a forearm, but Angelina drops the belt and goes after Madison. Suddenly the Bike Girl comes out on the bike and goes after Angelina ramming her to the corner and then choking her out with her boot. Madison brings a chair into the ring and picks Angelina up and DDTs her on the chair as Lacey stands helplessly on the rampway looking heartbroken over this whole unfortunate series of events. Madison and Bike Girl get on the bike and ride away.
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Lisa Marie posted a new blog called “Hot! Hot! Hot!” You can read the blog below.
Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 9:50 AM
Subject: Hot! Hot! Hot!
Hot! Hot! Hot!
What’s Up, MySpacers ?
Is anyone else experiencing the heatwave that we have in Kentucky? It is supposed to be 100 degrees here today. It’s definitely a good day to be near some water…beach, pool, you name it.
I thought I’d post a blog and update you on my goings on.
After I wound down with TNA, I took a nice long vacation with my family in California.
I noticed that I am back on the WWE.com Alumni page. I had a long run with them, and it’s always nice to be recognized along side of some of wrestling’s all time greats. I heard that I’m supposedly talking to WWE about a return. There are a lot of things that I loved about working with WWE. But at this point, there are other things that I’m trying to do while I still have the opportunity. I think we all feel that Victoria ran her course at WWE.
I also noticed that the wrestling websites picked up the fact that I had some money stolen while working at the Philly Comic-Con. I probably shouldn’t have posted that on my twitter account, but I was letting people know that I was staying around an extra day. It was actually the second time I was robbed in two weeks. Shortly before that, I had a set of $3000 wheels stolen off a car outside my house. Then I had the money stolen at the show. It wasn’t so much the lost money, but it doesn’t feel good to be the victim of a crime. But get this…about a week after I got back from the show, I get a call from the guys at Black Widow Customs. Apparently a customer had come in asking how to get a set of wheels on his vehicle that weren’t made for his vehicle. The Wheel Tech went to his car to look at the wheel. Guess what ?! You got it…it was my wheel !!! The tech played it cool, took the wheel in the back, and found the markings that we put inside our wheels for just such an occasion. They then called the police, and “politely requested” that the customer wait for the police. He confessed to the police to taking the wheels. He was arrested, and I got my wheels back
I will be going to the Bellator MMA show on Thursday Night. Don’t read too much into that. I’m going with my coach, who will be cornering the Main Event. But I do have a meeting with their matchmaker before the show. We’ll see what he has to say.
After that I’m going to visit Michelle McCool, Torrie Wilson, and Sharmell in Texas for the weekend. Lookout Texas, it’s gonna be a girls night out.
At Black Widow Customs we are currently building a vehicle that is unlike anything on the road today. I don’t want to overhype it, but we are very excited about it. I will put the first pics on my MySpace page.
Finally, we are selling some cars that we had built for shows. The first two are already on the Black Widow Customs eBay page. We are also going to put a couple more up there as well as some t-shirts and some other products later in the week. They are re-opening the old “Victoria” ebay store, so the web address is…
http://stores.ebay.com/Victorias-Goodies. We will change the name soon, and I’ll let you know when that happens. Or you can check out the ebay item numbers 250655064211 and 250655071787 .
Wow, I didn’t realize how busy I was until I wrote this blog. I better get going…
Later SuperHot Potaters, Lisa Marie : )
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Lisa Marie posted a new blog called “Retirement? Not even close…. ” You can read the blog below.
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 10:23 AM
Subject: Retirement? Not even close….
Hey Gang!!!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog. I’m more into the daily updates. But the following is too long for an update.
It appears that I’m winding down at TNA. Unfortunately some organizations “leak” information to wrestling websites to put their spin on a situation, to make sure they come out in the best light. Not me. I’m gonna say it. I’m gonna put my name on it. And I’m going to stand behind it.
I came to TNA last year because I still had a lot of wrestling left in me. I was paid a fraction of what I thought I deserved. But I wanted to show I was still at the top of my game. Now my contract is up in May. I want a modest pay increase. They don’t want to pay me what I think is fair. I have no problem going my own way.
But about 12 hours after the conversation where we didn’t agree on pay, unnamed sources claim that I am hard to work with and that I don’t give my best effort. My only response is that TNA made an aggressive effort to re-sign me, among other things saying that they want to build the women’s division around me. And I think wrestling fans see, both on TV and at live events, that I always give 100%. I take pride in that. Smearing me on the way out the door is an act of second rate character.
I take pride in making my best effort to elevate my own wrestling and the entire TNA Women’s Division. If people were rubbed the wrong way in the process, I stand behind my work and my positive intentions.
In closing I will say this. In the few weeks that I have left in TNA, I will be the same wrestler that you have seen for the past ten years. After that, I haven’t decided if I will stay in wrestling, or finally make the jump to MMA. I do have a lot of irons in the fire. We’ll see where life takes me. But wherever that is, there’s gonna be competition, and I’m gonna give it my all.
Thanks For All Your Support!!!
Later Taters, Lisa Marie Varon : )
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Dani |

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JB is in the back with Angelina Love. Love says that the Leather & Lace match is a joke—she came here to wrestle, and show that women’s wrestling is for real. Tara storms in, wondering whether Love’s idea of taking women’s wrestling seriously involves winning a title with a key. JB points out that they’ll have to work together, but Tara says she’s happy to keep her enemies close (I guess this is a themed segment). Love gets in her face, taunting her and asking what she’s gonna do about it.
Angelina Love vs Velvet Sky. During the match, Lacey Von Erich and Madison Rayne came to help Velvet Sky beat down Angelina Love. Tara came out to help Angelina and unlock her from the cuffs. The Beautiful People took off. Angelina extended her hand to Tara but Tara just walked away.
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Christy interviewed Tara, telling her that she could lose her title or get her spider back. She said TNA wants ratings and is using her to get them. “This entire thing is a joke,” she said, adding that she’s just going to “pin somebody’s ass. Angelina Love said, “There’s no such thing as fair in wrestling. Sometimes life is a bitch and you just have to deal with it. We all do.” Love then predicted she’ll walk out with the Knockouts Title. Tara said if that’s how she wants to roll, let’s roll. ODB walked up and said there’s some PMSing going around. She said her box is going after the contract so she can wrestle anyone and go after A.J. Bootie-Bam. Christy then tried to interview Hamada. She spoke in Japanese calmly.
Knockouts Lock Box Challenge: Tara, Angelina Love, ODB & Hamada vs The Beautiful People & Daffney
Angelina starts with Madison Rayne, then tags out to Tara. Rayne kicks Tara down, then humps her head into the mat. Rayne goes up top, but Tara comes out with the Widow’s Peak and eliminates Rayne. Tara wins the first key, leave the ring and we’re down to 3-on-3 as we go to commercial.
During commercial, Daffney pinned Hamada to win a key. Back to the show, next Velvet Sky pins ODB after a DDT to win the third key. We are left with Angelina against Lacey Von Erich. Angelina hits Lacey with a Flatliner to win the final key.
Winners: Tara, Daffney, Velvet Sky, Angelina Love
As a reminder, each key unlocks one locked box which contain Tara’s tarantula, the TNA Knockouts Title, an open contract for a match with anyone, and a contract to have to do a striptease.
Way later in the show, we see Tara backstage with her key, worried about what she may unlock in the box.
Final segment of the night. We’re back, and it’s time to reveal the contents of the Lock Boxes! Velvet opens hers first, and she gets the open contract! Tara’s up second, and her prize is her tarantula! But unfortunately, this means she’s no longer the Knockouts Champion. And it comes down to Angelina and Daffney. They open their boxes at the same time, and our new Knockouts Champion is… Angelina Love! So now Daffney has to go to the ring and strip. Daffney makes her way to the ring and looks none too happy. Daffney proceeds to do the least enthusiastic striptease but out comes Lacey Von Erich, who lays Daffney out with the ugly stick, then she starts stripping as Tara and Angelina start fighting up on the rampway over the Knockouts Title. They start fighting into the ring and brawl on the mat right in front of Lacey who keeps on stripping. Velvet Sky takes the mic and says that Lacey’s turned up the heat, but rule #1 of the Beautiful People Club is that no Beautiful Person shall upstage another Beautiful Person, so Velvet’s going to cash in her open contract next week against Angelina in a Leather and Lace match. Angelina makes mad faces at her as we go off the air.
Credit: PWInsider.com
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In a First Blood Match, it will be TNA Knockout Champion Tara vs. Daffney
On Monday, TNA Wrestling returns to SpikeTV at 9/8c for two hours of Total Nonstop Action!
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Check out the TNA Photoshoot #16
TNAWrestling.com added 3 new photos from Tara’s 16th Photoshoot set which is a St. Patrick’s Day Theme again, but a different outfit. You can check them out by clicking on the link above.
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ANGELINA LOVE vs. DAFFNEY (w/the Beautiful People)
Daffney continued to be in control of the situation after the pre-match attack. She then tried to retrieve an object, but the ref reprimanded her. The action broke down at this point with Daffney leaving the ring for the BPs to inflict damage. They were looking to inflict more punishment on Angelina, but Tara ran out to the ring to make the save. She delivered a Widow’s Peak and stood tall in the ring to close the segment.
WINNER: No Contest
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Since Kong & Hamada haven’t defended for the past 30 days, they’ve been stripped of the titles.
TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match
Taylor Wilde and Sarita look for quick roll ups before the bell, but don’t get them. Wilde starts things off with Tara, but Tara keeps control so Wilde tags in Sarita. Sarita hits a cool slingshot Neck Breaker, but then runs into the wrong corner and gets tagged out by Velvet Sky. She & Rayne work the double team in the corner as Love inadvertently distracts the referee by trying to interfere. Wilde & Sarita break up a cover at two, but Von Erich grabs their legs and Sky & Rayne kick them out of the ring. Love gets by the ring and hits a Botox Injection on Rayne. However, while the ref tries to get her out of the ring Daffney sneaks in with the women’s title belt and plants Tara. Rayne rolls onto her for the cover and the win.
WINNER: The Beautiful People
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During the ODB vs Daffney match, we go to a split screen of Christy interviewing Tara, who admits that she might have taken Daffney lightly last week. Christy suggests that Daffney wants a title shot, and Tara says that if Daffney wanted her attention, she got it.
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DAFFNEY vs. TARA (Non-title Match)
Tara starts things off with some right hands, and tries to finish the match off quickly with a side slam for two. Daffney gets up firing, but Tara brings her back down with a Back Body Drop. When Tara tries to charge Daffney in the corner she runs right into a Spinning Heel Kick. Daffney follows up with a clothesline and a series of Snapmares where Daffney flips Tara to the mat by her hair. She kicks Tara out of the ring, then backs her into the guardrail. Tara shoves Daffney against the apron, where she grabs a toolbox. Daffney slams Tara in the stomach with it, and that draws the bell.
WINNER: Tara by DQ in 3 minutes.
Daffney continues the beating up towards the stage area. She lays a guardrail across Tara and starts whacking it with a steel chair. Dr. Stevie runs out, grabs the chair, and drags Daffney backstage.
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Video package for the Angelina Love-Tara team and their alliance against The Beautiful People.
Christy Hemme interviews Tara and Angelina Love. Love says she didn’t like Tara in the past but the past is the past. She brings up The Beautiful People and the match tonight. Hemme asks Tara if they have a strategy and Tara says it’s going to get ugly.
Angelina Love and Tara v. The Beautiful People
Tara and Velvet Sky start. Sky poses and Tara is unamused. Tara quickly tags in Love and Sky goes to the outside. Angelina Love gives chase and corners Sky. Lacey Von Erich distracts Love allowing Sky back into the ring. Madison Rayne further distracts her allowing Sky to attack her with the ropes. Sky strikes Love in the head and sits her with a snapmare. She kicks Love in the back and chokes her. Velvet Sky continues the assault with a kick to the back. Sky sends Love into the ropes and Angelina stares her to the ground. Sky tags in Rayne. Love pulls Rayne’s hair and sends her into the turnbuckle. Love tags in Tara who comes in with a sunset flip. Two count.
Multiple arm drags from Tara. That’s followed up with a snap suplex and a headlock. Rayne grabs the ropes so Tara grabs Rayne’s legs and sends her to the mat. Rayne gets up to attempt a slap but Tara reverses and delivers a slap of her own. The Beautiful People go to the outside and Tara requests Love’s attention. The two ladies go to the outside with a suicide dive sending the show to a commercial break.
We return from a break. Rayne sends Tara into the ropes and Von Erich distracts her. Rayne attacks Tara in the back multiple times. She taunts Love and Love gets the ref’s attention, allowing The Beautiful People to work over Tara, three-on-one. Sky gets tagged in and steps on Tara’s hair while pulling her up by the arm. Lacey Von Erich gets tagged in and comes down with a moonsault and an elbow drop. Von Erich sends Tara’s head into the mat and tags in Rayne. Rayne attacks with multiple strikes to the chest and follows that up by whipping her into the ropes. Both women clothesline each other. Love and Sky get tagged in. Angelina takes out Lacey and Madison Rayne with punches. Love spears Sky and goes for the pin. It gets broken up by Lacey Von Erich. Madison Rayne gets the ref’s attention by choking Tara as Angelina Love kicks Sky in the head. She pins but the ref doesn’t see. Lacey Von Erich strikes Angelina with the ugly stick and Sky covers Love for the victory.
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Dani |

Check out the TNA Photoshoot #14
TNAWrestling.com added 3 more new photos from Tara’s 14th Photoshoot set which is a Valentines Theme. You can check them out by clicking on the link above.
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We are back and it is time to go to Tara who is with Christy Hemme. She asks Tara about her title defense against Angelina Love. Tara says that Angelina made her life miserable when she started in TNA, but she has seen a change in Angelina since her return. Tara says that Angelina earned her respect last week but she says that she is ready for Angelina.
Angelina Love and Tara are walking in split screen as we go to commercial.
Angelina Love versus Tara for the TNA Women’s Title
They lock up and Tara with a side head lock and take down. Angelina gets a near fall by rolling Tara over. Angelina with a head scissors and Tara escapes and gets a near fall but Angelina with a bridge into a back slide for a near fall. After all of that action, we go to commercial.
We are back and Tara is working on the wrist but we go back to commercial.
We are back and we have a test of strength and Angelina with a take down into a hammer lock. Angelina works on the arm some more but Tara with a cartwheel but Angelina with a take down for a near fall. Tara with an Irish whip and Angelina with a sunset flip for a near fall. Tara with the uranage side slam for a near fall. Angelina with a forearm but she misses a bicycle kick. Tara sets for the Widow’s Peak but Angelina counters. Tara with a rollup for the three count.
Winner: Tara
After the match, Tara and Angelina shake hands but Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, and Lacey Von Erich attack Angelina. Tara punches Lacey, Velvet, and Madison. Angelina joins in the attack. Madison and Lacey are unable to take care of Angelina and Tara but Velvet is able to escape.
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Angelina Love vs. TNA Knockout Women’s Champion Tara
On Thursday, TNA Wrestling returns to SpikeTV for two hours of Total Nonstop Action as the road to the February 14 “Against All Odds” Pay-Per-View continues!
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Hamada and Rayne are about to lock up when Rayne decides it would be a good time to mock Kong. Hamada just chops the hell out of her, then arm wrenches her to the mat. She grabs Rayne’s arm and does an Old School style Arm Drag off the top rope. Rayne gets to her corner, and the Beautiful People start trading quick tags and working over the left wrist of Hamada. Hamada rolls through and takes Rayne down with a Drop Toe Hold. She gets the tag to Tara who hits a series of right hands, a Body Slam, and a shimmy-shake Moonsault for two. The crowd says that “divas suck”, but I don’t know if they’re responding to The Beautiful People or the shimmy-shaking. Sky gets in a cheap shot from the apron, which lets Rayne back Tara into her corner. The Beautiful People trade quick tags again, but when Sky Irish Whips Tara both she and Tara look for hair yanks at the same time. Tara tags in Kong, who scares the Beautiful People a bit before just tagging Hamada back in. Hamada takes down everyone with spinning kicks and Ensuguries, but when she tries to finish off Rayne with a Moonsault the ref is distracted from the cover. As Awesome Kong chases Sky backstage, Lacey hits Hamada in the back of the head with the ugly stick then wards off Tara long enough for Rayne to get the cover.
WINNERS: The Beautiful People. After the match they continue the beat down on Hamada and Tara till Love comes down to make the save.
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If you recall, I’ve been setting up a new gallery. I finally moved all the scans from the old gallery, to the new one. There are 380 total. So just for fun, take a look at a blast from the past of the several magazines, books and more that Lisa Marie as been in.
Check out the Magazine & Publication Scans
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ODB (champion) vs Tara
On Sunday, January 17, TNA Wrestling presents the three-hour “Genesis” epic event, featuring the return of the legendary Hulk Hogan to Pay-Per-View!
The spectacular will take place at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, and will be available on InDemand, DirecTV, Dish Network, Viewer’s Choice, TVN and many more! Check your programming guide for availability!
The official theme song for the “Genesis” Pay-Per-View is “Lie To Me” by the band “Like A Storm”.
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