[ Screen Captures ]
We go backstage to Tara as she practices her singing, and Generation Me (who will apparently be her dancers) tell her she did good. Tara says they’re outfits aren’t TNA enough, so she takes their shirts off and likes that better. She sends them out to the ring and slaps them on the asses on the way out.
We now head out to the entrance ramp where Tara performs Broken, her entrance song. Watching her badly lip-sync while she and Generation Me attempt to dance is hilarious. Mickie James walks out and nails Tara, but Generation Me grab her and Tara takes a couple of free shots. The music continues to play as Eric Young comes out to make the save and chase off Generation Me while Tara and Mickie fight down the rampway and to ringside until security comes out to separate them. The crowd chants “let them fight”, so Mickie obliges by breaking free and going after Tara again. Security pulls them apart again, but they break free and continue fighting. Mickie rolls into the ring and motions for Tara to join her, and grabs a mic and says that enough is enough and she’s tired of this. She says that neither of them likes the other, so there’s only one way to settle this. It’s obvious she can’t do anything by herself, so she challenges Tara to a steel cage match. Only one of them is walking out, but they don’t need to wait for Genesis, they can do it tonight. Hardcore Country starts playing, so Mickie takes it as a cue to jump out of the ring and go after Tara yet again.
Backstage, Tara says that if Mickie James wants a cage, she’s got it because there’s no escape from the cage. It’s the first ever Knockouts cage match, and she’s coming out on top. Then Generation Me says that they were getting their dance on when Eric Young came out and ruined it, so Max Buck suggests Young gets his girlfriend Orlando Jordan (his words) and they’ll face them next week on Impact.
Cage Match: Mickie James vs Tara
Mickie goes after Tara on the floor before she even gets in the ring, but Tara fires back on her and they exchange blows on the floor until Micke rolls over her with a clothesline. Mickie tosses her into the cage and the bell rings.
Tara picks Mickie up for a TKO, but keeps swinging her past the TKO position into a side suplex and covers for 2. Mickie tries to reverse a whip into the cage but Tara blocks, so Mickie just yanks back on her hair and hits several clotheslines, then a snapmare and a diving dropkick to the face for 2. Tara Tullys Mickie into the middle turnbuckle and gets a snap suplex into a front choke, but Mickie gets to her feet and rams Tara into the corner and rams in several shoulderblocks. Tara turns it around and tosses Mickie over the top rope to the apron, wedging Mickie between the ropes and the cage and, with nowhere to go, Tara hits a high kick to the face. Mickie fires back and rams Tara into the cage and climbs up the cage to the top rope, but Tara recovers and follows her up, and Mickie looked like she was trying for a Frankensteiner off the top, but something went wrong somewhere and they crash hard at a really awkward and scary angle. Tara gets up and rams Mickie to the cage, then picks her up and rams her to the cage again. Tara limps over and tries to escape the cage, but Mickie nails her from behind and drags her back in as Impact comes to an end.
We’re into Reaction now and Tara tries for the Widow’s Peak, but Mickie slipped out and rammed Tara into the cage, then does it again and the second time, Tara comes down badly on her arm and visibly injured herself. Mickie tries to choke her with the boot to buy Tara some time, then rams Tara to the corner turnbuckle. Tara tries to climb out but she’s only got one working arm and can’t make it out, so Mickie follows her to the top rope and kicks Tara off the top rope. Tara lands in the ring and Mickie goes to the top of the cage, which is a long way up and way higher than the WWE cage, and hits a Thesz Press off the top of the cage for the win.
Winner: Mickie James