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During AJ Styles and Douglas William’s brawl, they enter Tara and Madison’s dressing room. Tara and Madison throw shoes at them and tell them to get out.
Knockouts Tag Team Championship Tournament Match
Mickie comes out and the crowd is alive for Mickie to start. Rayne asks for Ms. Tessmacher, and Mickie gives her a chance. Rayne tries to tease her by offering and then withdrawing a Test of Strength, but Tessmacher shoves her. Rayne shoves back, and Tessmacher nails a trio of Arm Drags. Rayne runs at her but she ducks and nails a hip toss followed by a dropkick. Rayne, annoyed, shoves Tessmacher into the corner and chokes her with her boot. She thrusts some shoulders and locks in a cravat. She shoves Tessmacher down and yanks the hair then locks in some chokes, always breaking on four. She wraps up Tessmacher’s head between her legs and smashes her into the mat repeatedly. She teases Mickie with the possibility of the tag, and Tessmacher takes advantage for a quick roll-up for one. Rayne wrenches her face. She tries to hit a Cross Body Block off the middle rope, but Tessmacher dodges and makes the tag. Mickie hits a series of clotheslines and a beautiful reverse Neck Breaker. Rayne tries to kick but Mickie ducks below it and gets the Lou Thesz Press. Mickie hits her side kick and signals for the DDT. Tara looks like she’s going to get involved so Mickie goes over to her, but Tara whacks her with her braced elbow (from last week’s cage match). Madison follows up with a right hand to the face for three.
Winners: Madison Rayne & Tara