After I retire, I plan to…
Admit myself into a mental hospital (Laughs), and then to return to the Eye & Tissue Bank where I worked before I got into the business.
My favorite subject in high school was…
I didn’t go to a traditional high school. I got my GED in prison. Just kidding. I couldn’t pass my GED in prison. Just kidding. Biology was my favorite subject. I went on to study bio-med in college because I wanted to be a doctor.
The loudest reaction I ever received from a crowd was…
At a live event at the beginning of March. My music started playing and I heard this ROAR! And I was like, “Is that for me?” I tell you, that’s when my true personality came out. I was soaking it up! It kind of took me a while to go back (after the match) because that’s your time. When I first started in WWE, I was never able to see anybody’s faces (in the crowd). Now, I know what’s going on around me, so I was just looking around going, “Oh my Gosh.” And I saw a couple of signs. It was like Sally Field: “They like me! They really, really like me!”