03/18/06 – Victoria & Candice vs Mickie & Trish: Backstage, Candice Michelle was looking at a large mockup of her Playboy cover. She asked Victoria how hot she looked on the cover. Victoria said she looked hot, but now they needed to get ready for some action. They aired a video on Stratus’ history with Mickie James, who Jim Ross described as “stalking” Trish. James and Trish made separate entrances. Stratus and Michelle started off. Stratus began kicking at her, Michelle took over and draped Trish over the ropes, stepping on her back to choke her. Michelle scored a two count after Victoria took a cheap shot. Victoria tagged in and beat down Stratus. She locked on a front chancery. Stratus made the tag to James but the referee didn’t see it. Stratus reversed a suplex attempt but both of her foes and turned it into a double DDT. Victoria knocked James off the apron before she could make the tag. Trish hit the Stratusfaction on Michelle for the pin. James took the mic and said that she guessed this is goodbye. She said that she just wanted to say goodbye the right way and offered her hand. Stratus shook it. James tried to kiss her, but only got a cheek. James then hit the Chick Kick, Stratus’ own move, on James. James started screaming, “You don’t want me? Do you love me now?” She hit the Stratusfaction on Trish. During the break, Mickie James did a crying interview on WWE.com saying she loves Trish but Trish broke her heart and now she’s going to break Trish.
07/15/06 – Victoria vs Michelle McCool (Bikini Bullriding Contest): We go to Todd Grisham and the finals of the Diva Bull Riding Contest. The two contestants will be timed for how long they stay on the bull. The first finalist is Michelle McCool. Michelle lasts twelve seconds. The second finalist is Victoria . She lasts seven seconds so Michelle is the winner. Michelle talks smack and then Victoria breaks Michelle’s yardstick.