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Vintage Vixen: 10 Years Ago Today – WWE RAW November 14, 2005
Ashley, Maria, Christy, Victoria, Melina, Jillian, Mickie, Candice and Trish all come out for a Diva Battle Royal in ‘Papi’ shirts. They all took their shirts off together and tossed them to the crowd. Everyone starts fighting but Maria who stands off to the side. Mickie gets tossed first, then Jillian. Maria is still not fighting – hiding in a corner. Candice does her new move and doesn’t get eliminated. Ashley gets sling-shotted. They were trying to send her out, but she got caught on the top rope. She then got tossed. Christy got tossed next, and Maria is still hiding. Candice gets tossed. Maria boots Victoria in the bum and tosses her. Maria decides she likes this, hits Trish and Melina. Trish tosses Maria. Melina and Trish go at it and Trish gets tossed. Winner: Melina. Melina acts like she wants Trish’s belt.

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Vintage Vixen: 3 Years Ago Today – TNA Impact October 25, 2012
In the back Tara complains to Brooke Hogan about ODB. She says ODB beat Tara fair and square. Jessie says he had to take 12 tomato baths just to get ODB’s smell off him. Brooke says Tara has a title match tonight against Tessmacher so she better get her head in the game. Brooke tells Jessie that she heard ODB has her eye on Jessie. TNA Knockouts Championship Tara (c) w/Jessie vs. Miss Tessmacher. Tessmacher nails Tara with a dropkick as she tried to get in the ring. Tessmacher slams Tara into the ring apron repeatedly and then rolls her back in the ring. Tessmacher stomps Tara and then covers her for the first nearfall of the match. Tessmacher hits a Snapmare Takeover and kicks Tara in the back and then slams her head into the mat over and over. Tessmacher tosses Tara into the corner and puts the boots to her. Jessie argues with Tessmacher and Tara hits her from behind. Tara rolls out to the floor and Tara follows her. She slams Tessmacher into the apron and then back in the ring. Tara kicks Tessmacher in the ribs and pays Tessmacher back by slamming her face into the mat repeatedly. Tara rakes the face of Tessmacher and then puts the boots to her. Tara hits a Scoop Slam and then goes for a Slingshot Somersault Leg Drop, but Tessmacher moves and nails Tara with elbows. Tessmacher chops at Tara and then whips her into the ropes and connects with a series of clotheslines! Tessmacher follows up with a Flying Elbow and then the Asstastic in the corner! Tessmacher mounts Tara in the corner and hits a Falling Facebuster! Tessmacher then hits the ropes as Tara grabs the referee and Jessie pulls Tessmacher out hard to the floor! Tara grabs Tessmacher as she rolls back in and hit’s the Widow’s Peak! 1…2…3! Winner & Still KO Champ: Tara via pinfall (Widow’s Peak). Brooke Hogan walks out onto the stage and says next week is Open Fight Night and that means anybody can call anyone out. She says that she just got off the phone with ODB and ODB wants to challenge…JESSIE! Jessie and Tara freak out.

Check out the October 25, 2012 TNA Impact Screen Captures
Vintage Vixen: 11 Years Ago Today – WWE RAW October 25, 2004
They showed Lita and Trish walked up to her and said she looked pretty. Trish was glad she bumped into Lita, because what a year she has had. She got back with Matt, ruined that, and married Kane. Trish asked if Lita fell for the big fellow, but it doesn’t matter, because she ruined his career too. Trish said Lita has a lot of men to choose from on Raw, and said as a friend she is concerned about her pregnancy weight. Trish said Lita looked chubby, and Lita attacked Trish. Officials and Victoria were able to break them up.

Check out the October 25, 2004 WWE RAW Screen Captures
Vintage Vixen: 12 Years Ago Today – WWE Confidential October 25, 2003
Confidential offers a glimpse at a WWE Diva when they sit down to talk with Victoria about her entrance music, “All the things she said” and how it was performed by the popular Russian band, T.A.T.U. which is one of the most popular entrance themes in WWE.

Check out the October 25, 2003 WWE Confidential Screen Captures
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Vintage Vixen: 10 Years Ago Today – WWE Smackdown October 19, 2007
Chris Masters vs. Chuck Palumbo. Towards the end of the match, from out of nowhere, Victoria attacks Michelle McCool and that distraction allows Masters to attack Palumbo from behind and get the rollup for the three count. Winner – Chris Masters. Afterwards, Victoria and Masters leave the ring together while Palumbo checks on Michelle McCool.

Check out the October 19, 2007 WWE Smackdown Screen Captures

Check out the October 19, 2007 WWE Smackdown Digitals
Vintage Vixen: 12 Years Ago Today – WWE Heat October 19, 2003
Victoria is shown backstage stretching her leg. She tells her mocks that Trish Stratus is the Babe of the Year. Victoria claims that she is the Babe of the Millennium and she’s going to kick that princess’s face in with her footsie. Val Venis shows up and says that while Victoria was stretching it gave him an idea for a new Venis Video and she could be the star. Victoria said she could put her other leg up if he got another net. Val Venis quickly agrees to get another net and his camera. Before he can, Stevie Richards shows up. He says that no one is going to shoot his flower and they need to go because he has a match against Spike Dudley. Victoria tells Stevie that she is stuck in her stretch position and he picks he up and walks off, leaving Val Venis behind. Later on, Victoria accompanies Stevie Richards to the ring as he faces Spike Dudley. Victoria cheered for Stevie at ringside during the match and interfered briefly, but Spike chased her around the ring and ends up picking up the win against Stevie Richards.

Check out the October 19, 2003 WWE Heat Screen Captures
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Vintage Vixen: 3 Years Ago Today – TNA Impact October 18, 2012
New TNA Knockouts Champion, Tara and her Hollywood boyfriend Jessie Godderz are in the back taking a photoshoot. Tara says Vanessa and Kobe are getting back together but they’re still the hottest couple on the planet. They share a kiss. Up after the commercial break, ODB versus Tara. Tara and Jessie Godderz appear on the ramp as Christy Hemme lets us know this match won’t be for any titles. Taz, sarcastically I hope, tries to make Godderz out to be this big deal. ODB’s music plays but she doesn’t show up. She’s backstage arguing on the phone with Eric Young. She runs to the ring, phone in one hand, flask in the other and Taz wonders where Eric Young is. Tara vs. ODB. Tara makes out with Godderz but ODB strikes her from behind. ODB takes Tara down with a shoulderblock. She puts her wedding ring in a pocket. ODB lifts Tara and takes her out with a powerslam. ODB returns to her phone. She tells Eric Young to stay on. ODB smothers Jessie’s face in her chest and goes back to her phone. Tara takes ODB down and slams her face into the mat screaming “that’s my man.” Tara grabs ODB by her hair and stretches her on her back. She follows that up with a kick to the back. ODB elbows out of Tara’s grasp but Tara slams her across the ring. Tara pounds ODB in the back and twists her head. ODB elbows out but Tara strikes her. Tara once again grabs ODB’s hair and pulls it. ODB is sent to the mat and Tara goes back to Jessie. They make out while ODB grabs her flask. ODB takes a drink and nails Tara in the back. ODB picks Tara up, spits in Jessie’s face and nails Tara with the TKO for the win. Winner: ODB. Tessmacher approves of the results of the match from the ramp. Tenay lets us know Tessmacher and Tara will fight for the Knockouts title next week.

Check out the October 18, 2012 TNA Impact Screen Captures

Check out the October 18, 2012 TNA Impact Digitals
Vintage Vixen: 11 Years Ago Today – WWE RAW October 18, 2004
The heel girls start it off fast by kicking their opponents around. Trish takes down Stacy and works on her leg a bit. Trish goes for a tag but Stacy kicks her in the butt and she flies into Gail Kim. Eventually Molly gets the tag and the team starts to work on Stacy’s legs by using heel tactics to distract the referee. Stacy eventually kicks Molly off but she cannot make a tag and Gail is tagged in and she goes to work on the leg as well. Stacy finally gets a tag to Victoria and she goes crazy on all three ladies as she hits an over shoulder face buster on Gail for two. All women hit the ring as Gail rolls up Victoria but Stacy breaks the count. Somewhere in there Stacy low balls Trish who goes flying out of the ring. Nidia kicks Molly out of the ring as well. This allows Victoria to hit Gail Kim with the Widow’s Peak for the 3 count and victory.

Check out the October 18, 2004 WWE RAW Screen Captures

Check out the October 18, 2004 WWE RAW Candids
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Vintage Vixen: 7 Years Ago Today – WWE Smackdown October 17, 2008
There’s a big pole in the corner of the ring with big pink fuzzy dice on them. Justin Roberts then announces this is a Diva’s Las Vegas Match. Maria vs. Maryse vs. Natalya vs. Victoria vs. Brie Bella in a Diva’s Las Vegas Match. Whoever captures the ridiculous dice will receive a Diva’s Championship match in the future. The bell rings and all five women stare down one another before they all make a mad dash to the corner to get the fuzzy dice but Victoria holds them all off! Victoria starts climbing the ropes and kicks everyone off her. Natalya, Victoria’s friend then punches her and vaults her off the top rope Ric Flair style! Brie Bella then takes Natalya down with a clothesline. Maria and Brie Bella start going for it and Maria punches Brie off. Maryse then catches Maria going up the ropes and pulls her off by her legs and Maria lands on her face! Maryse starts climbing but Brie Bella stops her! Maryse punches and kicks her before throwing her out of the ring. Maryse goes to climb but Victoria and Natalya stop her and push her off! Then Maria pulls Victoria off and Brie Bella pushes Natalya off the apron. Maryse starts climbing again but Brie Bella stops her. Maryse punches her off and punches Maria off the apron. She starts climbing again but Brie Bella this time gets her on her shoulders! Maryse punches her and Brie Bella collapses. Maryse then throws her through the ropes and Brie Bella hits her shoulder on the ring post and falls to the floor! Maryse starts climbing again but Maria climbs up and they slug it out with Maria getting the upper hand and the ridiculous fuzzy dice! Winner by Capturing the Dice: Maria. Maria will now get a Diva’s Championship shot in the future.

Check out the October 17, 2008 WWE Smackdown Screen Captures
Vintage Vixen: 10 Years Ago Today – WWE RAW October 17, 2005
Torrie Wilson, Candice, & Victoria vs. Trish Stratus, Ashley, & Mickie James. Trish started the match with Victoria. Victoria slapped Trish before being whipped off the ropes and hit with a Lou Thesz press. Trish hit a spinning hurricanrana and tagged in Mickie James. Mickie James came right off the top rope with a flying body press before planing both Candice and Torrie. Victoria hit her with a big back breaker before gathering her up and slapping her. She went for the whip and follow up but Mickie James caught her with a hurricanrana out of the corner. Victoria rolled her up though on the follow up and scored the pin fall. Winners: Victoria, Torrie Wilson, & Candice. Mickie James was confused after losing the match and to make up for the loss, hit the Stratusfaction on Victoria.

Check out the October 17, 2005 WWE RAW Screen Captures

Check out the October 17, 2005 WWE.com Unlimited RAW Screen Captures

Check out the October 17, 2005 WWE RAW Digitals

Check out the October 17, 2005 WWE RAW Candids
Vintage Vixen: 11 Years Ago Today – WWE Heat October 17, 2004
The music of Molly Holly hit in the arena as she made her way to the ring with Gail Kim and they are going to be in tag team action against Victoria and Nidia! Victoria and Molly Holly locked it up and Molly clubbed the back of Victoria to knocked her down. Molly sent Victoria to the corner and charged in but Victoria went up and under and then delivered a pair of arm drags and then did a standing moonsault onto Molly for two. Molly made the tag to Gail and Gail was met with a powerslam by Victoria who then tagged in Nidia and then they hit a double team hip toss on Gail Kim to take her down. Victoria scored with the Widow’s Peak on Gail Kim while Nidia took out Molly on the outside. Victoria then made the cover to pick up the three count and the victory!

Check out the October 17, 2004 WWE Heat Screen Captures
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Vintage Vixen: 7 Years Ago Today – WWE Smackdown October 10, 2008
Natalya with Victoria vs Brie Bella. The bell rings and Brie Bella immediately takes Natalya down with a Lou Thesz Press! They roll around the ring for a few before getting caught in the ropes. Charles Robinson separates them which will probably constitute the best part of his night. They lock up again, Natalya gets a knee to the midsection and whips Bella into the corner but Bella leaps over Natalya out of the corner and runs to the other corner and jumps to the second rope for a flipping crossbody which only gets Bella a one count! Bella goes onto the apron and then slides under Natalya’s legs for some reason. Bella does a double leg takedown and a jackknife pin but Natalya kicks out and powers up. They struggle but Bella wins the battle for the backslide pin. Chuck Robinson bolts around them and gets a two count. While Natalya is getting up Bella kicks her right in the face with a dropkick. That looked stiff. Bella stays on her with forearms and goes to whip her into the corner but Natalya reverses the momentum and puts Bella in the corner. Natalya charges but meets the back of the elbow from Bella. Bella’s elbow is hurt now and Natalya kills her with a spinning clothesline! Natalya is now pulling her hair. She yells in Bella’s face before slapping her down. Natalya stomps before getting Bella in a nice chin lock. Bella gets up and pushes her butt into her to break the hold. Bella goes into the ropes and does a nice crucifix pin for a two count! They get up and Natalya kills her with another clothesline! Natalya goes to drop an elbow but Bella rolls out of the way and out of the ring! Bella tries to get under the ring but Victoria runs and grabs her legs! They struggle and Victoria gets pulled halfway under the ring before releasing and looking disturbed. Hornswoggle now pops out and jumps Victoria trying to kiss her!! Victoria runs to the back as Hornswoggle chases her!! On the other side of the ring, Brie Bella comes out from under and smiles at Natalya. She then slides under the ring and “magically” comes out on the other side quickly. JR and Tazz mention how insanely quick that was. Natalya looks confused but charges her anyway and Bella gets a crucifix pin for the win! She’s still undefeated!

Check out the October 10, 2008 WWE Smackdown Screen Captures

Check out the October 10, 2008 WWE Smackdown Digitals
Vintage Vixen: 10 Years Ago Today – WWE RAW October 10, 2005
WWE Women’s Championship: Trish Stratus vs. Victoria. The two went right at it exchanging forearms. Trish hit a Lou Thesz press and some punches. Victoria went for a clothesline but Trish did the matrix move and avoided it. She went for a bulldog but got caught and creamed with a back breaker. Victoria hit a snap suplex and then perched the champion on the ropes. She picked Trish up with a military press and tossed Trish to the mat. She went right after the back some more putting Trish in a modified Boston crab. She went for the pin fall but Trish kicked out at two. Trish hit a spine buster after Victoria was fighting with the ref. Victoria recovered and collected Trish but got stung with a jaw breaker. Trish landed a few punches and forearms before whipping Victoria into the corner but got caught on the follow up. Victoria went to the top rope and Trish went for the stratosphere. Victoria caught her and came jumping off into a Boston crab. Trish powered out of it and almost rolled up Victoria. Trish almost got caught coming back off the ropes but reversed the hold into a northern lights suplex for the win. Winner and Still Women’s Champion: Trish Stratus. Victoria attacked Trish after the bell and Ashley Massaro came down to try and make the save but failed. An unknown woman (Mickie James) came out of nowhere and cleaned house. She stared at the women’s belt before handing it back to Trish and walking back up the ramp. WWE.com later aired their web exclusive footage called WWE.com Unlimited that showed Victoria being helped to the back by Torrie & Candice during the commercial break.

Check out the October 10, 2005 RAW Screen Captures

Check out the October 10, 2005 WWE.com Unlimited RAW Screen Captures

Check out the October 10, 2005 WWE RAW Digitals

Check out the October 10, 2005 WWE RAW Candids
Vintage Vixen: 11 Years Ago Today – WWE Heat October 10, 2004
The music of Gail Kim hit in the arena as she made her way to the ring for the opening contest on Heat against Victoria! Gail Kim and Victoria locked it up with Gail giving Victoria a wrist lock which was reversed into an arm bar, and then look Gail down and locked in a key lock, and then delivered an arm drag to Kim. Gail Kim came back with a single arm DDT and then kicked away at Victoria on the mat. Gail Kim then threw Victoria shoulder first into the turnbuckle and taunted the crowd, which was met by boos. Kim continued to work on the shoulder of Victoria, wrapping her arm around the ropes and wrenching on it. Victoria hit the Widow’s Peak out of nowhere and then crawled over and made the cover on Gail Kim to pick up the impressive win.

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Vintage Vixen: 5 Years Ago Today – TNA Impact October 7, 2010
Angelina Love & Velvet Sky defeated Madison Rayne & Tara for the rights to the name “The Beautiful People”. Both teams came out to the same Beautiful People entrance music. All four of these women will battle for the TNA Knockout title at Bound For Glory this Sunday. Midway through the match, Miss Tessmacher made her way down to ringside to keep an eye on the match. It was kinda anti-climatic, but the original Beautiful People won the match to secure the rights to the gimmick they created. After the match, Madison started yelling at Tara before Miss Tessmacher interrupted. She said at Bound For Glory, for the fourway Knockout title match, there will be a special guest referee! Mickie James came out to her “Hardcore Country” entrance theme. Mickie said everyone knew she would make an impact in TNA, but who knew she was bound for glory. Mickie said it would be an honor to crown the new TNA Knockout champion. Mickie said but as she raised the champion’s arm victorious, she had one thing on her mind, because Mickie James makes history. Mickie said it would be a pleasure to take the Knockout championship and become the first woman to every prestigious women’s championship in wrestling.

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Check out the October 7, 2010 TNA Impact Digitals
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